Academic verbs for citing

Academic words enable you to correctly repeat someone else’s thoughts and intentions. They are particularly useful for integrated tasks in the Speaking section of Toefl.

Here is a list of academic verbs commonly used for quoting someone’s words in academic writing:

  1. Accept
  2. Advocate
  3. Affirm
  4. Analyze
  5. Argue
  6. Assert
  7. Assess
  8. Believe
  9. Calculate
  10. Claim
  11. Clarify
  12. Comment
  13. Conclude
  14. Confirm
  15. Consider
  16. Contend
  17. Demonstrate
  18. Deny
  19. Describe
  20. Determine
  21. Discover
  22. Discuss
  23. Elaborate
  24. Emphasize
  25. Establish
  26. Examine
  27. Explain
  28. Find
  29. Highlight
  30. Identify
  31. Investigate
  32. Maintain
  33. Notice
  34. Note
  35. Observe
  36. Point out
  37. Propose
  38. Prove
  39. Question
  40. Recommend
  41. Reiterate
  42. Reject
  43. Remark
  44. Report
  45. State
  46. Stress
  47. Study
  48. Suggest
  49. Suspect
  50. Think
  51. View
  52. Write

Example sentences:

  1. The author argues, “According to recent research, climate change is a pressing global issue” (Smith, 2022).
  2. The study contends that “there is a strong correlation between exercise and mental well-being” (Johnson et al., 2021).
  3. The researcher suggests that “further investigation is needed to validate these findings” (Brown, 2019).
  4. In their article, the authors emphasize that “the results support the hypothesis put forth in previous studies” (Davis & Lee, 2020).
  5. The report highlights the importance of “establishing effective communication channels in the workplace” (World Business Council, 2018).

Remember to properly cite the source of the quote using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and include the author’s name, publication year, and page number (if applicable) in your in-text citation or footnote.

Please note that the specific verb you choose may depend on the context and the tone you want to convey in your writing.

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